Our Story

Kaela Kay clothing is produced in Toronto, Canada by local seamstresses. This allows me to work closely with the seamstresses to create well-made and well-fitting styles, for you. These wonderful women are self-regulated, creative and hard working women who are dedicated to the brand and to their craft. By working with Kaela Kay, these women are able to cultivate the artistic and work-life balanced lives that they desire. It's a pleasure having them as part of my Kaela Kay team.
As a mom to 3 beautiful children, I strive to build a company that they too will grow to be proud of (you can catch them all over my IG @thecatherineaddai :)).
Follow us on social media to see what's been going on in our world. You can follow the brand page on IG @kaelakayonline and the boutique page at @thekaelakayboutique.
Oh! And don't forget to sign up for our newsletter to stay in the know.
If you have any questions or comments, drop us an email or give us a call - we love chatting with you.
The future is bright, so why wear boring clothes?!
Catherine Addai, Founder